The often unplanned / thought through activity of planning your organisation’s key resource – people, & their roles in the future.
Sometimes, this can be due to the current leadership wishing to retire / take early retirement, & there is an urgent need to identify the successor to lead the business.
We will take you through:
- The purpose & importance of succession planning.
- Company culture & direction of travel.
- The potential cost of not planning properly.
- Criteria for identifying growth potential individuals.
- Building a Succession planning policy.
- Training resources.
The process of re-shaping an organisation due to failing performance.
However, it can also be due to a change in the competitive landscape, organisations goals have moved, preparing for Sale, merger, buyout or acquisition of the business.
We will cover:
- Purpose for restructuring – what is the end game?
- Process / steps involved.
- Financial planning / resources.
- How to restructure & minimize the negative impact to the business.
- Communication strategy – internally & externally.
- Legal & HR resources.
Mergers & Acquisitions is usually the process, in which the acquiring or dominant party gains a “step change” commercial advantage over competitors in the market, by acquiring or merging with another organisation.
This process, when successfully completed, should add additional value (over & above the initial cost of the acquisition / merger) to the combined, larger organisation.
There can be many reasons for entering into this process, from gaining market share, accessing new markets/ channels, leveraging vendor economies of scale & rationalising the organisation.
This strategy is not without its risks, however, when effectively implemented, can be a method to create a positive “sea change” in the organisation.
We can provide:
- The initial concept, rationale, proposal & budget planning processes
- Initiating & implementing the search process
- Introducing the parties
- Facilitate the merger & acquisition process
- Build & implement a post merger integration strategy
For us at g&m, Interim Management is the temporary provision of management resources and skills.
Interim management can be seen as the short-term assignment of a proven heavyweight executive to manage a period of transition, crisis or change within an organisation.
In these situations, a permanent role may be unnecessary or impossible to find on short notice and, additionally, there may be nobody internally who is suitable for, or available to take up the position in question.
Internally or via our partner networks g&m can, at short notice, make available individuals who have extensive past experience of running successful organisations at C-Suite as well as general management levels and who have the expertise / know-how to help your organisation during a challenging period of time.